A Collegiate Athlete's Journey to Healing and Wellness Sep 25, 2023


I am thrilled to bring you another empowering episode of the Weight Loss with God podcast.   

In this week's episode,  I am interviewing my first guest, Rachel Ngom, the host of the She's Making an Impact podcast.

Get ready to be inspired! Rachel shares her remarkable...

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Who's Running the Show? Sep 08, 2023
Have you ever stopped to think that when it comes to your health your stomach just might be running the show? I mean, when it growls, we usually respond with some kind of food (healthy or not). When it insists on more, even when we know it's not the best for us, we often give in. We're...
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🦃 Beanless Turkey Chili Jul 14, 2023

If you are doing the 5-Day Drop, this is the final recipe.     

If you are not doing the 5-Day Drop, you are going to love this recipe. 

If you are ready to embark on a journey to shed those extra pounds and feel healthier and more energized, then you need to check out...

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How to Speak Your Way to Weight Loss Success Jun 21, 2023

Have you ever wondered how to tap into the promises of God and declare a better life for yourself?

I've been there too, questioning the process and feeling uncertain about who I truly was and did my words really make that big of a difference.  

But then, something amazing...

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🍽️ Cut, Chew, Savor: 3 Simple Steps for Weight Loss! Jun 09, 2023

Cut, Chew, Savor: 3 Simple Steps for Weight Loss!  

I would like to introduce you to my extraordinary friend who had a dream of becoming a missionary overseas. But there was one obstacle holding her back: She needed to lose 100 pounds before she could go. Her body would not have been...

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Voices Jun 01, 2023
Have you ever been around somebody, and you know that when they speak, you are going to be so encouraged? You can’t wait to be around them because they will speak life, wisdom, revelation.
Here are some examples:
Jimmy Evans
John Maxwell
Christine Caine
Joyce Meyer
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What You Focus on Grows May 26, 2023

Guard Your Heart Above All Else,  for it Determines the Course of Your Life.  Proverbs 4:23 (NLT)

Have you heard of the life principle:  What You Focus on Grows.  (click to watch FB Live)

It is kind of like seed time and harvest.    When you plant a seed you reap...

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Jesus Style Leadership/Parenting - Part 4 May 17, 2023

Leaving a Legacy

We are now at the 4th stage of Jesus Style Leadership  - I go away and you do it.

Listen here on the 4 stages of Jesus style leadership/parenting. 

One day your kids will move out of the house and start a life and family of their own.   They are your...

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Jesus Style Leadership/Parenting - Part 3 May 17, 2023

 Modeling Jesus-Style Empowerment and Trust: A Guide for Parents

 Jesus Style Leadership/Parenting

  1. You watch
  2. I do it and you are with me.
  3. You do it and I am with you.
  4. I go away and you do it.   

This blog we will look at part 3 - You do it and I am with you.  Be...

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Jesus Style Leadership/Parenting - Part 2 May 16, 2023

In the previous stage of Jesus-style leadership, we recognized the fact that our kids are watching us, I do it and they watch.  In stage 2 of Jesus-style leadership, it embodies the concept of:

"I do it and you are with me."

During this stage, disciples have the opportunity to closely...

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Jesus Style Leadership/Parenting part 1 May 15, 2023

I had the incredible honor of preaching at HopeFront Church, where they were studying the teachings of the book of Ephesians.  Any guess what the topic was? (to hear the sermon, go here)

PARENTING - Jesus style parenting.   

Jesus wasn’t a parent, but he did take care of...

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The Power of Positivity, Wisdom, and Discernment May 10, 2023

I, Wisdom, live together with good judgment. I know where to discover knowledge and discernment. All who fear the Lord will hate evil.   Therefore, I hate pride and arrogance, corruption and perverse speech. Common sense and success belong to me. Insight and strength are...

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Unleashing the Power of Your Vision: Lessons from Helen Keller Apr 04, 2023

Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish.

When we think of vision, we often think of our physical ability to see.  
But vision is so much more than that - it's the ability to see the bigger picture, to have a sense of purpose and direction in life.
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How to Make a Memory Dec 16, 2022
The definition of memory is - the power or process of reproducing or recalling what has been learned and retained especially through associative mechanisms.
Memories are important. They tell a story. It is something that God had the Israelites do so they would remember the goodness...
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Benefits of Drinking Water Jul 08, 2022
I love water and I do drink a lot of it but you really have to be intentional about it! Here are some benefits to drinking water. You can also watch the Facebook Live that I did about it here!
Did you know that more than half of our body weight is composed of water?
75% of your brain...
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